Reflect Lab


You want your team to be the best it can be. While a lot is going well, some things could be better. You’re not exactly sure what, but you can tell there is something off that is not quite “in flow” on this team. This experience focuses on uncovering strengths, areas of flow, and root causes of stuckness that might be getting in the way of this team and its potential.

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You want your team to be the best it can be. While a lot is going well, some things could be better. You’re not exactly sure what, but you can tell there is something off that is not quite “in flow” on this team. This experience focuses on uncovering strengths, areas of flow, and root causes of stuckness that might be getting in the way of this team and its potential.

You want your team to be the best it can be. While a lot is going well, some things could be better. You’re not exactly sure what, but you can tell there is something off that is not quite “in flow” on this team. This experience focuses on uncovering strengths, areas of flow, and root causes of stuckness that might be getting in the way of this team and its potential.

Here’s a sample agenda

Duration: 2 hours

0:00-0:05 - Welcome & Introduction

• Brief intro by the facilitator about the workshop’s objectives and an overview of Appreciative Inquiry.

• Quick round of introductions by participants.

0:05-0:20 - Icebreaker Activity: “Positive Pasts”

• Participants share a brief story of a time they felt most engaged, alive, or productive in their role.

• This aligns with the ‘Discovery’ phase of AI.

0:20-0:40 - Discovery: Sharing Success Stories

1. Participants split into pairs or small groups.

2. Discuss and share stories of past successes and what made them possible.

3. Identify common themes and strengths.

0:40-1:00 - Dream: Envisioning the Future

1. Groups brainstorm and visualize an ideal future where the strengths identified in the discovery phase are maximized.

2. Create a shared vision by merging different group dreams.

1:00-1:20 - Design: Co-creating Pathways

1. Using the shared vision, groups brainstorm strategies and actions that would bridge the current reality with the envisioned future.

2. Focus on leveraging strengths and positive core.

1:20-1:35 - Break (15 minutes)

1:35-1:50 - Destiny: Committing to Action

1. Groups discuss and commit to tangible steps they can take in their respective roles or contexts to realize the dream.

2. Create an “Action Board” with commitments and timelines.

1:50-2:10 - Summit: Sharing, Celebrating, and Synergizing

1. Groups present their Action Boards.

2. Facilitator synthesizes key points and identifies possible synergies or collaborations.

3. Celebrate the collective vision and commitment.

2:10-2:25 - Reflection & Feedback

• Reflect on the Appreciative Inquiry process.

• How did it feel? What insights emerged?

• Opportunity to provide feedback for continuous improvement.

2:25-2:30 - Closing Remarks & Next Steps

• Thank the participants.

• Share any follow-up resources or materials related to AI.

• Discuss possible future engagements to check in on progress.

This revised agenda ensures the integration of the Appreciative Inquiry framework while maintaining the exploratory and engaging nature of the workshop.