Within the cradle of your being, many worlds exist. They've whispered to you from your earliest memories and will continue long after your last.


Discover the next level of your growth journey with Kapwa Leadership's transformative coaching services.

  • We're on a mission to develop the next generation of empathetic, culture-savvy, and life-centered leaders. Rooted in the philosophy of Kapwa— interdependence, mutual responsibility, shared identity —our coaching services aim to guide you through the nuances of personal and professional growth.

  • – Positive Psychology: Focusing on what makes you feel whole, strong, and purpose-centered

    – Tool Agnostic: We work with tools you’ve already used as well as some of our own

    – Complexity Conscious: Reducing overwhelm while increasing your capacity

  • – Currently hold or aspire to a leadership position

    – Open to tailored, adaptive approaches for personal and professional growth

    – Open to feedback and self-assessment tools

    – Committed to working with a decolonizing lens

  • – A sense of purpose and alignment in professional and personal spheres

    – A stronger sense of community, belonging, and kinship

    – Enhanced resilience and ability to navigate complexity and ambiguity

    – More effective coping strategies for stress and life’s challenges

    – A set of practical tools and frameworks for ongoing self-assessment and development

    – An increased sense of global responsibility and desire for social impact

    – Strategies to implement regenerative, resilient, restorative practices in their leadership roles

    – Greater connectivity and partnerships with like-minded individuals or organizations

Choose Your Path

3 - 5 Months
15 Hours

4 - 8 Weeks
Three Phases
Min. 5 Interviews

4 Weeks
Min. (4) 1.5hr Sessions

How coaching with us is different.

  • While there are frameworks, practices, and mindsets that can radically and immediately change our lived experience, more often than not, the deepest, most meaningful changes take time and careful calibration. Adopting 12 steps, 7 effective habits, and 21-day challenges has skewed what society understands it takes to change. While our partnership will use your time well, slowing down is part of the work.

  • We have watched the way Executive Coaches exert political influence over the most senior ranks of leadership in an organization. There is an inherent power dynamic in the coach-coachee relationship that if not carefully managed can become unhealthy and harmful. We are here to help you access your own inherent wisdom, not to be moving the pieces ‘behind-the-scenes’ on the chess board of your life.

  • Coaching continues to be a major growth industry at $9.3bn worldwide in 2022. The benefits of coaching and consulting services have historically only been accessible to very small segments of society, and those benefits have (in most cases) only served to increase gaps of income and inequality. Choosing to work with Kapwa Leadership means you are committed to ‘paying forward’ the peace, space, perspective, clarity, and increased financial stability you realize going through our coaching process.

“Nick leaves space to allow divergent thoughts to take shape, sometimes these thoughts are distractions and sometimes they are the ones that become a pivotal insight or breakthrough – you will never know without exploring. Nick enables this.”

Milen Mahadevan
President & CEO, 84.51

“There have been moments where Nick’s insights into my state of mind felt indistinguishable from mind-reading. This is where Nick’s magic is: by being truly, deeply present with you, he can point from where you’re standing to a new vantage point.”

Aaron Williamson
Principal Attorney, Williamson Legal